Si tu observas (watch) algo, significa que lo miras intencionalmente y con toda tu atención. Ejemplo: I watch television in the afternoon. Otro ejemplo: We watched the basketball match and cheered for our team.
Si tu ves (see) algo, significa que aparece ante tus ojos sin tu intensión. Ejemplo: I've never seen this TV show, but perhaps I should watch it sometime. Otro ejemplo: We saw a terrible accident on our way home and rushed to help the victims.
mano; manecilla, aguja (de un reloj o instrumento); lado; letra, escritura; aplauso; cartas (en juegos de naipes); obrero, -ra; trabajador, -dora
Example sentences of
•I waved my hand to say goodbye.
•She put her hands over her eyes.
•He sat quietly with his hands folded in his lap.
•These gloves will keep your hands warm.
•Do you need a hand?
More examples
•I'd be glad to join their effort and lend them a hand.
•Let's all give our favorite contestant a big hand!
•The hands of the clock were adjusted to daylight-saving time.